For the past several seasons, I have sat behind my
guru, Sri Sanjay Subrahmanyan, on the dais for most, if not all, of his concerts, especially around the December season time. This season, after the first couple of concerts, I decided to sit in the audience and listen to the concert from a different angle. I commented to someone that I was hearing his Music Academy concert from the front view after probably 7 years, or maybe more, as even before sitting on the dais behind him, I used to sit on the stage off to the side of the dais.
Even when sitting on stage behind him, I always preferred to sit behind the violinist so that I could see Sanjay Sir's facial expressions as opposed to sitting directly behind him where I would not be able to see anything except the audience.
It made me wonder where people prefer to sit when they go to a concert. Obviously this will vary from
sabha to
sabha, but what makes you prefer one area/seat over another?
This is completely non-technical and just something I've been wondering this season, as I made the decision to sit in the audience this time around for most concerts.